These are Swiss made & were supplied in the late '80s and early '90s to Swiss Federal Police and German Elite Police and Army units. These particular units are Swiss Federal Police trade-ins. If you know anything about the Swiss military and police - they take excellent care of their equipment.

Camera attaches to rear end of Hensoldt 6X or 10X scope as supplied with PSG-1. Trigger pack supplied replaces stock PSG-1 trigger pack - contains a trip mechanism that, via a mechanical cable, trips the camera shutter at the instant the hammer hits the firing pin.

Uses standard 600 Polariod film and takes four frames per picture (camera rotates from 12:00 o'clock to 3:00, 6:00 & 9:00 o'clock positions for each picture frame.

Trigger pack has been converted to semi-auto only usuage - ATF compliant.

The CIA was reported to have purchased a number of these and we've heard of photos showing target's head exploding as bullet entered. Had three - only have this one left. $3,500.00